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A movie night with Consequences: Spanked by a friend - Spanking Story

On Friday night, Lily's group of friends gathered at her house. The group consisted of three boys and four girls. They showed up at around 8:00 to kick off their movie night, a lovely tradition they had been enjoying for approximately a year.

After everyone had settled down with their snacks and drinks, Lily started the movie. She felt a bit irritated as she had already watched it before. However, since everyone else had agreed on watching it, she decided to go along with their choice.

She was sitting next to Liam, a stronger boy she had known for about four years. He always had funny remarks, and tended to be the dominant of the group. She loved that.

After about ten minutes, she got bored and started scrolling on her phone, trying to find a good video to watch. Liam tapped her shoulder, "Put your phone away, kid. The light is distracting," he said in a calm tone. She sighed and put her phone down. However, after another 10-15 minutes, she couldn't resist going back to her phone. This just wasn't her movie. Liam tapped her shoulder again, but she ignored it. "Put your phone away, Lily," he said in a strict manner. A warm feeling rushed through her body. Normally she would, but she was feeling rebellious, and mostly, very bored.

"The others don't seem to mind it, so why should I?" She said in a bratty matter. This made Liam visible annoyed. He stood up and grabbed the remote. "Stand up." He ordered her. She laughed it away and started chatting to her friend next to her. Liam waited, still standing there. Another of Lily her friends grabbed the remote and restarted the movie. "Now." He said again, unbothered by the others. Lily rolled her eyes. "Go sit and watch this stupid movie." She laughed.

This was the final straw, Liam grabbed her by her arm. In a smooth movement he put his leg on the couch, and dragged her over it. She was dangling with her legs and tried to laugh it away. "Enough now Liam, come on." She said, a little frustrated. "No. You naughty brat. I don't care what you say, but I will spank you. You need to learn some way." He said calmly. Her heart stopped for a second, wait, did he actually just say that? Did he mean that? One of her friends laughed and spotted "That's something I want to see!" while another tried to calm Liam down.

"You all know she needs this." He answered. With that her friends left him alone, if he is determined about something, there's nothing you can do about it. And the guys actually loved seeing this scene. The girls just ignored it and watched the movie, secretly happy it wasn't them.

Liam began spanking Lily's bottom over her tight jeans, as she hung helplessly, attempting to resist with her hands and kicking her legs. Despite her efforts, Liam's strength prevailed. Eventually, he signed for her to stand up and took a seat on the couch. "Now come over my knee, kid," he instructed. Reluctantly, she complied, knowing she had no other option. As soon as she lay across his lap, he swiftly pulled down her pants. "No, please!" she cried out. "Quiet, and let me do my job." He said sternly. She started whining. "Just shut up, they are trying to watch a movie," he said firmly. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't contain her cries with each subsequent slap on her exposed bottom. She pleaded and whimpered as he continued, her cheeks turning cherry red and sore.

"Starting to learn to not be such a brat?" He asked her, after at least a hard five minute spanking. "Yes sir..." She whispered. "That's better." Liam said smiling. Lily was so embarrassed, but she had to admit this was exactly what she needed.

Then Liam did something that really really made an impression. He pulled down her panties, exposing her for all her friends. She felt the eyes of all her friends focussed on her pussy. One of the guys had paused the movie, and even the girls were fixated by the scene that had unfolded. Liam ignored all the commotion and started spanking her again.

It hurt so bad, she begged and squirmed - but he didn't stop. After a while she felt tears flowing over her cheeks. "I'm so sorry", she begged. And with that he finally stopped. "I hope you learned your lesson, but don't you worry, if you didn't I will gladly give you another." Liam said sternly. She said that this was absolutely not needed and got back up her feet. She pulled her panties and pants back up. "Now go sit down, and let's continue the movie, ok?"

"Yes Sir..." She said softly.

With the sore, stinging pain in her buttocks, she couldn't find a comfortable position to sit in throughout the entire movie. However, she experienced an unusual sense calmness, she felt happy and cared for, despite the discomfort. And guess what? She didn't touch her phone for the remainder of the night.

About an hour or two later, her friends left. They acted like nothing weird had happened and they hadn't just seen her pussy and bare bottom... Liam was the last to leave. "Sorry, but you needed that." He told her with saying goodbye. He slapped her softly on her butt. "See you next week!"

She blushed and looked down. "See you next week..."

friends movie night

Another OTK Spanking story


Spanking stories, OTK Spanking story, Adult Spanking stories, Public spanking story, Stories of spanking, Spank stories, Spanking adult story, Spanking Punishment Stories


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