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Two Friends going Over the Knee for overspending

Lily and Rose, two best friends from a little farmer's village, were shopping together. They both needed to buy some basics, like socks and underwear. They lived together in an apartment complex owned by a rather old-fashioned man, whose name was Francis. He always had a few rules for them: be in the apartment before dark, don't spend too much on clothes, and, for example, don't drink much. He was like a father figure for them both, and although they never would admit it, they needed it.

Yet, he was very old-fashioned. If they didn't listen, they would get punished. It had happened before that Lily, the loud one of the two, had received a hard OTK spanking on her bare bottom. Rose had only heard about it, but had not yet experienced it.

When they entered a store, they saw there was a huge sale going on. They couldn't help themselves but buy multiple shirts, a dress, jeans, and even little heels. Lily bought a lingerie set as well, and Rose bought a little skirt. They both knew this was against the rules; they had already spent all of their shopping budget this month and really only needed the basics. But they had come up with a plan to avoid the checks by Francis. He would normally be in his office around 6 pm, so if they would return around five, with a bit of luck, they would avoid his prying eyes. They could take the back door and the stairs, instead of the elevator in the main lobby.

It was ten past five when the two entered their apartment complex. Silently and fast they rushed to their apartment. With a sigh of relief they opened the door, no Francis to be seen. Or so they thought. About two minutes later someone knocked on their door. Rose opened the door while Lily was getting something to drink in the kitchen. Fuck. It was Francis.

"Hi, Francis!" she said happily, trying to stand in the way of the door opening. The shopping bags were still in the living room, so she was trying to keep him outside. "Hi, Rose," he said casually. "I didn't see you two coming in?" He asked with a bit of suspicion.

"Ah no, we are being healthy, taking the stairs more often these days." Rose lied with a soft blush on her cheeks.

"Oh is that so? Well then that was the first day of trying, wasn't it?" He said with a smile on his mouth. "Yes, yes indeed!" Rose quickly added.

"Come, let me in." Said Francis while he changed his tone of voice. Rose hesitated but took a step out of the way to let him inside. Francis walked in the living room, where Lily, unaware of the visitor, was grabbing all her newly bought clothes out of the bags and on the couch.

"Well, well, well." Francis said sternly. "I knew something was up."

Rose had followed Francis to the living room, and crossed eyes with Lily. They both knew they were caught. "Ah yes well, so, there was this sale going on..." Lily tried. "And you know, I barely own any lingerie or dresses, so I just needed to..." Francis stopped her. "You two were already over budget, weren't you?" He asked, turning to Lily.

"I mean, in a way. But this counts for next month." She said in her bratty way.

"And what about you, Rose. Since when do you not follow the rules?" He asked taking a step closer to Rose, who was still trying to hide behind him.

"I'm sorry, Francis. I can return it." She spoke softly.

"A sorry means you know you were wrong." Francis laughed. "It's time you two face some consequences."

Rose's heart started racing, while Lily seemed rather unbothered. She had gone through it before and was less afraid. "Fine," Lily sighed, as she stood up, making her way to the door. She had assumed they would get punished in his office, one by one, as she had received it the last few times.

"Not that fast, little girl." Said Francis, taking a step to the left, blocking her from entering the hallway. "Since you both committed the same crime, why not watch each other?"

Rose locked eyes with Lily, she was afraid and her face was as red as her bottom soon would be. Lily was a bit flustered by this comment too. "You mean, here? Now? But then she will..." She started her protest.

"Yes, she will see your bare bottom turning red. Indeed. Maybe that will leave a lasting impression," he said sternly, grabbing Lily by her arm. "Let's start with you first, little troublemaker," he said while he took a seat on the couch, dragging Lily over his lap. "And you, Rose, go take a seat on that chair right across the couch. I want you to see what will happen to you after I'm done with her." Rose was too afraid to disobey, so she did what she was told. She took a seat on the chair, where she had a front-row seat for the punishment that was about to start.

Francis started smacking the bottom of Lily hard and in a steady rhythm. He has done this many times. First she received 5 minutes on her jeans, then he lowered them. With a little protest of Lily, he hold her hands tight behind her back while he continued with her over the knee spanking. Rose saw her friends bottom turning bright red, and with every slap Lily started to wiggle and plead a bit harder. She was afraid, of how it would feel, it looked so painful. But in a weird way, she was happy to face consequences. She didn't like breaking the rules and knew she needed it to be better.

When Lily started to cry softly, Francis grabbed her panties in his hand and tugged them down in a smooth and fast movement. Both Lily and Rose were surprised by this action. Lily started to beg, "no please, please leave them on" while Rose was slightly fixated by the sight. She couldn't keep her eyes off it. Francis laughed and answered Lily her pleads with another round of hard smacks on her now bare bottom.

"You're done. Get up." He ordered Lily, after her bottom had turned bright red and felt sore as never before. Lily obeyed within a second and wanted to pull her panties and jeans back up. "No" Francis stopped her. "Keep them down, and go switch places with Rose. It's her turn now. I want you to actually learn this time, a bit of embarrassment might help. Be glad I don't put you in the corner, and let you watch." Without a word, Lily obeyed and Rose stood up, walking slowly to Francis.

"This is your first time, isn't it?" He asked her, while she stood in front of him. She nodded her head. "Yes Sir..." She said quietly. "I like the sound of that." He said smiling. "Since it's your first, I think we should make a good impression on you." He looked deep into her blue eyes. "Yes.. Yes, Sir." She stumbled over her words, not knowing what to except.

In a swift movement he opened the button of her jeans and dragged them down, alongside with her panties. Her heart stopped for a second, her face turned red and she tried to hide her private parts with her hands. She felt so emberrassed; Standing naked in front of him, with Lily watching her closely. He grabbed her hands, and dragged her over his knee. "I want you to remember this" he started his lecture. "And no better way, is to have a bare bottom spanking while your friends is watching you."

He started to spank her, hard and in a steady rhythm.

Without a proper warm-up, it was quite painful right away. Rose started to wiggle and scream before she gave up fighting. She softly cried while he was nowhere near done with her. Her bottom was sore and painful, and every smack made it hurt a bit more. After a strong ten minutes, he finally let her up. She right away grabbed her ass cheeks, trying to massage and touch her bottom. It felt sore and warm, and even her touches were painful. With a tear on her cheek, she was escorted to the corner. Francis told her to remain there for ten minutes to reflect on her behavior. Of course, with her pants and panties down. He had let Lily dress herself again and told her to let Rose know when the ten minutes were over. Then she was done as well. And with that, he left the two girls, both with a very sore bottom, and especially Rose, with a lasting embarrassing and most of all painful experience richer.

Rose never misbehaved again. But Lily found herself a trip over Francis his knee almost monthly. She needed it to stay out of trouble.

Spanked in the corner

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